Mug Update: State of Alaska Health Mandate 17

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The State of Alaska released COVID-19 Health Mandate 17 Protection Measures for Independent Commercial Fishing Vessels on April 23, 2020. The document is required reading for all Alaska commercial fishermen not already operating under a fleetwide plan--check with your processor or representative industry association for further information on fleetwide plans. Currently, Health Mandate 17 does not apply to set netters who will receive a separate mandate for shore-based operations. 

A few key takeaways from Mandate 17: 

  • Firstly, let us all take a moment to grieve the social aspect of the preseason. Operating this year will be much different from previous years, which means a kibosh on parties in the boatyard. I know how much it means to reconnect with each other, but we’ve got to stay strong and stay away from each other! With this in mind, managing the personalities in your operation will be crucial because you will be spending a LOT of time together, during your 14-day quarantine for non-Alaskan fishermen and while social distancing as Alaskans*, and nobody gets to storm off in a huff. 

  • Buy yourself a fun notebook because you’ll need to be documenting all the information required by the mandate, including; crew temperatures during quarantine, travel information, and more. 

  • Communities will have differing protocols and rules for travel, operating in their harbors, and using their infrastructure. EVERYONE needs to read up on local rules. Local and non-local fishermen alike will need to be aware of and adhere to harbor and supply protocols, processor protocols, and, of course, State mandates. 

  • Get some paper dishware (the more biodegradable, the better) and prepare to change up your galley game with masks and gloves for preparing meals. 

  • Pack like you’re going to have to quarantine a sick crewmember with appropriate cleaning and medical supplies and PPE. 

  • Familiarize yourself with healthcare options available to you and your fleet. Options will vary by community and fishery. Check-in with your processor, many of whom are increasing their medical staff for this salmon season. 

  • And as we know from the Discovery Health webinar, if you cannot adhere to these guidelines and play by the rules, DO NOT FISH. The safety of our communities, food supply, and livelihoods is in your hands. If you take a look at these requirements and can’t make it happen, there is no shame or blame in that, and we all thank you for making the call for yourself and your operation.

  • UFA will be doing a free webinar for all fishermen focused on Mandate 17 April 29th and 10 a.m. AKST.   

  • Also, be sure to check out Robert Seid’s Financial Minute on the CARES act and commercial fishermen for a jumping-off point for information on relief funds.     

Remember, EVERYONE must adhere to these mandates throughout the season, or we all get sent home, and you will be endangering the lives of those we all know and love. I say again; EVERYONE must play by the rules. Stay safe out there. 

If you have any questions or suggestions for resources that AKFN can highlight, please email Jamie at 

*Post has been clarified as information is clarified from the State of Alaska.